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Complete our data

If you notice missing informations on a species, you can help us by sending a correction.

In the correction, you'll send:

  • The record to correct (ex: Species abies-alba)
  • The field(s) to change, with their new values (ex: minimum_ph, edible_part, author etc...). Most of the fields can be corrected.
  • A trustable source for the changes (a field observation, a wikipedia page, a publication etc...)

Once your correction is submitted, it will be validated by a peer, and then applied to the database.

Report an error

You can also simply report an error in the data, without correcting it. Read more in this guide

Things to know

  • Almost all the fields can be corrected, but relations such as distributions or synonyms can't be corrected yet.
  • The full list of available fields are in the reference.
  • Several values can be separated with |. Ex: {"bloom_months": "jan|feb|mar|apr"}

Submitting a correction

Submitting a correction is done by doing a POST request on the /api/v1/corrections/species/{species_id} endpoint. See in the reference.

Let's say we want to correct the maximum height of the Abies Alba species, because we found out that the largest measured tree was 68 m tall.

The payload we will send will be like:

"notes": "This tree can grows up to 68 meters",
"source_type": "external",
"source_reference": "",
"correction": {
"maximum_height_value": 6800,
"maximum_height_unit": "cm"

In your terminal:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"notes":"This tree can grows up to 68 meters","source_type":"external","source_reference":"","correction":{"maximum_height_value":6800,"maximum_height_unit":"cm"}}' \

And we got:

"data": {
"id": 8,
"record_type": "Species",
"record_id": 1164724,
"user_id": 106,
"warning_type": null,
"change_status": "pending",
"change_type": "update",
"accepted_by": null,
"notes": "This tree can grows up to 68 meters",
"created_at": "2020-07-13T12:56:09.156Z",
"updated_at": "2020-07-13T12:56:09.156Z",
"correction": {
"maximum_height_value": 6800,
"maximum_height_unit": "cm",
"scientific_name": "Abies alba"
"changes": {
"maximum_height_cm": [
"meta": {
"last_modified": "2020-07-13T12:56:09.156Z"

This means that your submission has been created, and is pending validation.


If you want to test a correction on a species, set the notes field to TEST. They will be not reviewed, and automatically rejected after some time.

For example:

# This correction will not be reviewed, and rejected after some time
curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"notes":"TEST","source_type":"external","source_reference":"","correction":{"maximum_height_value":6800,"maximum_height_unit":"cm"}}' \

Available fields

scientific_name (string)
rank (string)Can be: species, ssp, var, form, hybrid, and subvar.
genus (string)
year (integer)
author (string)
bibliography (string)
common_name (string)The species common name(s) in english. Several values can be separated with "|"
observations (string)
planting_description (string)A description on how the plant usually grows
planting_sowing_description (string)
duration (string)The duration(s) of the species. Several values can be separated with "|"
Can be: annual, biennial, and perennial.
flower_color (string)The species flower color(s). Several values can be separated with "|"
Can be: white, red, brown, orange, yellow, lime, green, cyan, blue, purple, magenta, grey, and black.
flower_conspicuous (boolean)
foliage_color (string)The species foliage color(s). Several values can be separated with "|"
Can be: white, red, brown, orange, yellow, lime, green, cyan, blue, purple, magenta, grey, and black.
foliage_texture (string)Can be: fine, medium, and coarse.
leaf_retention (boolean)
fruit_color (string)The species fruit color(s). Several values can be separated with "|"
Can be: white, red, brown, orange, yellow, lime, green, cyan, blue, purple, magenta, grey, and black.
fruit_conspicuous (boolean)
fruit_seed_persistence (boolean)
fruit_months (string)The months when his species have fruits. Several values can be separated by "|"
Can be: jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, and dec.
bloom_months (string)The months when this species blooms. Several values can be separated by "|"
Can be: jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, and dec.
ground_humidity (integer)Required humidity of the soil, on a scale from 0 (xerophile) to 10 (subaquatic)
growth_form (string)
growth_habit (string)
growth_months (string)The months when this species grows. Several values can be separated by "|"
Can be: jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, and dec.
growth_rate (string)
edible_part (string)The edible part of the species (if any). Several values can be separated by "|"
Can be: roots, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds.
vegetable (boolean)
light (integer)Required amount of light, on a scale from 0 (no light, <= 10 lux) to 10 (very intensive insolation, >= 100 000 lux)
atmospheric_humidity (integer)Required relative humidity in the air, on a scale from 0 (<=10%) to 10 (>= 90%)
adapted_to_coarse_textured_soils (string)
adapted_to_fine_textured_soils (string)
adapted_to_medium_textured_soils (string)
anaerobic_tolerance (string)
average_height_unit (string)Can be: in, ft, cm, and m.
average_height_value (number)
maximum_height_unit (string)Can be: in, ft, cm, and m.
maximum_height_value (number)
planting_row_spacing_unit (string)Can be: in, ft, cm, and m.
planting_row_spacing_value (number)The minimum spacing between each rows of plants
planting_spread_unit (string)Can be: in, ft, cm, and m.
planting_spread_value (number)The average spreading of the plant
planting_days_to_harvest (integer)
maximum_precipitation_unit (string)Can be: in, ft, mm, cm, and m.
maximum_precipitation_value (number)
minimum_precipitation_unit (string)Can be: in, ft, mm, cm, and m.
minimum_precipitation_value (number)
minimum_root_depth_unit (string)Can be: in, ft, cm, and m.
minimum_root_depth_value (number)
ph_maximum (number)
ph_minimum (number)
soil_nutriments (integer)Required quantity of nutriments in the soil, on a scale from 0 (oligotrophic) to 10 (hypereutrophic)
soil_salinity (integer)Tolerance to salinity, on a scale from 0 (untolerant) to 10 (hyperhaline)
minimum_temperature_deg_c (number)The minimum required temperature in celcius degrees
maximum_temperature_deg_c (number)The maximum required temperature in celcius degrees
soil_texture (string)Required texture of the soil, on a scale from 0 (clay) to 10 (rock)
Can be: argile, intermediaire, limon, sable_fin, sable_grossier, graviers, galets, blocs_fentes_des_parois, and dalle.
ligneous_type (string)Can be: liana, subshrub, shrub, tree, and parasite.
toxicity (string)Can be: none, low, medium, and high.