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Ordering results

Sometimes, we also need to specify a particular order for sorting the results.

In short

You can order results by a specific value with the order[FIELD]=asc|desc... parameter.

Basic sorting

Let's sort plants by year, in a ascending order:[year]=asc

And we got:

"data": [
"author": "(Herder) C.Winkl.",
"bibliography": "Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 11: 170 (890)",
"common_name": null,
"complete_data": null,
"family_common_name": null,
"genus_id": 8723,
"id": 290225,
"image_url": null,
"links": {
"genus": "/api/v1/genus/jurinea",
"self": "/api/v1/plants/jurinea-semenovii",
"species": "/api/v1/plants/jurinea-semenovii/species"
"main_species_id": 433678,
"observations": "C. Asia",
"scientific_name": "Jurinea semenovii",
"slug": "jurinea-semenovii",
"vegetable": false,
"year": 890
// 29 more
"links": {
"first": "/api/v1/plants?order%5Byear%5D=asc&page=1",
"last": "/api/v1/plants?order%5Byear%5D=asc&page=21005",
"next": "/api/v1/plants?order%5Byear%5D=asc&page=2",
"self": "/api/v1/plants?order%5Byear%5D=asc"
"meta": {
"total": 420092

Multiple sorting

You can also add secondary sortings by chaining another order parameter:

Let's sort plants by year, in a ascending order, then by scientific_name, in descending order:[year]=asc&order[scientific_name]=desc

Excluding null values

Sorting on a value that is possibly null will show the entries with null values first. For example, if we want to get the tallest trees, we will have trees with null maxmimum height first:

# Get all plants
# -> with tree ligneous type (filter[ligneous_type]=tree)
# -> ordered by maximum height descending (highest first) (order[maximum_height_cm]=desc)
curl "[ligneous_type]=tree&order[maximum_height_cm]=desc"

To avoid that, you can exclude null values (see Filtering):

# Get all plants
# -> with tree ligneous type (filter[ligneous_type]=tree)
# -> ordered by maximum height descending (highest first) (order[maximum_height_cm]=desc)
# -> and without plants having a null maximum height (filter_not[maximum_height_cm]=null)
curl "[ligneous_type]=tree&order[maximum_height_cm]=desc&&filter_not[maximum_height_cm]=null"